Apache Indian Art

Art created by Apache Native
Americans usually tell a story of
their Indian experience.

The tear drop style is an example.
It represents the deaths of
warriors after a battle with the U.S.
Army in 1870, when 75 Apache
warriors rode off a cliff near
Superior, Arizona rather than face
captivity and defeat.

Symbols used by the Apache in their
art include arrowheads, thunder
stripes and the most sacred of all
symbols for Apache's the sacred
hoop which represents the Indian
    The Apache woman usually dressed in buckskin dresses
    while men wore breech cloths and war shirts. Beads
    were sewn on clothing in spiritual designs to protect
    the wearer from enemies and to bring good luck.

    The Apaches who lived on the plains are the main group
    to develop pottery making. Because of their migratory
    lifestyle which involved following and hunting the great
    buffalo herds of the plains, they did not carry large
    numbers of items, such as ceramic ware.

    Once introduced to Puebloan pottery making, the
    Apache quickly developed a skill and love for the art,
    and made their mark by making beautiful thick and thin
    gray ware pottery styles. See article "Apache Pottery"
    above for additional details.    
    Apache wearing a bone necklace, 1920
    Photos courtesy of the Library of Congress
      Native American Art Heading
      Apache Indian Performing Music Using Handmade Gourd Instruments